Cloughjordan House

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Meet the Team: 6 Quickfire Questions with CJH Sous Chef, AnneMarie

Our team at Cloughjordan House is something that we are extremely proud of. Not just because of the huge amount of compliments we get on how pleasant and obliging they are, but because of their loyalty and and passion for what they do.

We think it's important for our guests to get to know our team, however for those behind the scenes in the kitchen making the magic happen, this can be difficult.

We decided to have a bit of fun and do a quick fire interview with our sous chef AnneMarie, who joined us earlier this year and has taken to our relaxed and informal nature like a duck to water.. 

So, AnneMarie let's start with an easy one. What is your favourite thing to cook?

Anything to do with breakfast, I adore coming up with new breakfast ideas to keep adding to our buffet. It just doesn't get old. 

What has been your favourite moment of the 2016 wedding season? 

I've had many and they've all been when we sit down at the end of service with a glass of cold Pinot from a Riedel glass. 

What has been the most stressful moment from this years wedding season? 

When our head chef was away and it was all down to me. I can safely say it was more than just a glass of Pinot after that service! 

If you had to take three ingredients to a desert island what would they be?

Garlic and potatoes because then at least I could grow them and produce more, and then butter because even though it's impractical I just could not survive without it.

If you had to be anyone for a day who would it be and why?

Julia Child because 'You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients'.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I'm currently involved with The Nutrition Kitchen as well as studying part time in UCC. Cork is AMAZING, like. I also like to do the odd bit of Feng Shui .

Well thanks a million AnneMarie! :)  

Image thanks to Kyle Cheldon-Barnett